Friday 25 July 2014

Are Sleep Apnea & Sleep Seizure Connected?

Among sleep disorders, one of the most prominent disorders is sleep apnea. It is a partial or complete blockage of air going into the human body through nose while sleeping. It is mostly accompanied by some symptoms like daytime sleepiness or sleep deprivation.
On the other hand, sleep seizures are caused due to abnormal or sudden change in the behavior of brain due to increased activity in the brain nerves. Generally speaking, sleep apnea and seizures are connected.

Best Design Pillow
Categorization of sleep apnea is given below:
  • Obstructive sleep apnea: stopping breathing due to a physical blockage in the breathing channel
  • Central sleep apnea: This involves the nervous system. It occurs when the brain fails to send signal to the muscles that control breathing.
  • Complex sleep apnea: It’s a combination of obstruction and central sleep apnea.

Connection of Central Sleep Apnea and Seizures:

As described above, central sleep apnea can sometimes cause a disturbance in the brain activity. These abnormal connections between nerve endings and the brain can cause serious disturbance in the electrical activity and communication of brain with the other body parts. This disturbance in the end leads to the miscommunication of brain with the lung muscles. When the brain fails to send the signal, the phenomenon of apnea occurs. This process can be of different time durations. It can occur 5 to 25 times in an hour or can be even more. And basically any type of brain damage or error could theoretically have other consequences such as sleep seizures.

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Connection of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Seizures

 The obstructive sleep apnea does not cause direct damage to the brain enough to trigger sleep seizures, but theoretically the cause is indirect. During sleep apnea we mentioned that the person stops breathing due to a physical obstacle or blockage in the breathing process. When this happens oxygen can not reach the brain and naturally the brain can not survive without oxygen. Such regular malnourishment of the brain could cause problems and consequently result in sleep seizures.

Pillow Best Design
As Apnea May Cause Seizures Also Seizures Might Cause Apnea

On the other side, people suffering from epilepsy mostly have the problem of seizures. Abnormal brain functioning due to epilepsy can also causes seizures during sleep. According to one research I found, one third of epilepsy patients have sleep apnea.  It acts as a double-edged sword for the epilepsy patients. (Although this ratio or this number does seem very high)

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Become a Side Sleeper

Final words on “Why You Might Need To Sleep On Your Side?”

I hope this article was helpful to you and you understand the reasons why you might need to make a lifestyle change. Next, it would be useful to read the article “How to learn to sleep on your side” where one of the major advices will be to read many side sleeper pillow reviews in order to find the correct pillow for your sleep to avoid sleep apnea and sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep deprivation

There might be a few disorders or medical conditions that may force you to sleep on your side.

Side Sleepers Pillows

  • Obstructive sleep apnea is one of the major reasons to switch and try to sleep on your side. It all comes down to the ability of air to pass through your nose or your mouth, through the windpipe, into your lungs. If you have an obstruction you will have tissue blockage and breathing difficulties / lack of oxygen. The sleeping posture of the side sleeper is the best among the options for the widest possible windpipe opening due to the head, neck and spine correct alignment (assuming that among the side sleeper pillows you took the one with good support)
  • Snoring, which is directly correlated with sleep apnea; most people who have sleep apnea snore (but not necessarily the other way around) and the reasoning is exactly the same as above. Sleeping on the side is the best position to avoid tissue blockage.
  • Neck injury can make it absolutely impossible to be a back or stomach sleeper because the neck is usually at various angles in those sleeping postures and definitely not aligned straight with the spine and the neck. Especially in the case of neck injury it is very important to have the proper support from the mattress up to your head using one of the side sleeper pillows in order to have the correct angle (completely horizontal).
  • Other medical conditions and wounds on the body may, as described above, prohibit non-side sleeping. These might be short term, in which case you might not need to force yourself to change permanently, but they also might be chronic and/or for the lifetime in which case one must switch to become a side sleeper.
For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows

Sleep Apnea Might Restrict You To Sleep On Your Back

Pillows for sleep
This article looks into the pillows for side sleepers. This is an important topic both for people who just want to enjoy a better sleep than they are having as well as for those who are having a sleeping disorder or disruption which can be corrected or partially alleviated using the body position.

So there are 2 questions: why and how does someone who has slept for many years on the stomach and back sleeping posture start to change that and become a side sleeper? I address the “why” in this article and the “how” in another”.

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Friday 18 July 2014

Pillows for Side Sleepers | Side Sleeper Pillow

Side Sleeper Pillows:
    Pillows for sleep
  1. Need to provide enough neck support: A side sleeper’s head will not be in line with his torso unless his pillow is dense and supportive. A pillow that is too thin will cause problems in a side sleeper’s natural alignment, and he may wake up feeling stiffness and neck pain. Individuals who hold their heads in front of a computer all day are especially at risk for neck strain. Proper support from a pillow during sleep will help the neck to recover.
  2. Need to be thick: Unlike individuals who sleep in other positions, side sleepers face the challenge of dealing with the presence of their arms. Putting pressure on the arm all through the night can be uncomfortable or cause imbalance in how the head rests on the pillow. An ideal pillow for a side sleeper will be thick and won’t let the head sink too much. Pillows made of memory foam are ideal for side sleepers; by using a thick memory foam pillow, the head will be adequately held and the sleeper’s arm can be free of supporting it. Some down pillows are thick enough for side sleepers, too.
  3. Need cradling softness: While a side sleeper’s pillow needs to be thick, it should also be soft. Firmer pillows may raise a side sleeper’s head to a degree that is uncomfortable, or they may place undue strain on alignment. Rather than exacerbating the feeling of an arm under the pillow or a head on top of it, the pillow should sink in and ease the pressure between the two. Memory foam pillows that are designed with softness in mind will fulfill these requirements while still giving enough support to not cause neck pain.
When selecting a good pillow for a side sleeper, it is important to consider the features. If you are a side sleeper and you find yourself waking up aching after what should have been a good night’s sleep, this is a good indicator that you need a better bed pillow, one that is made for the way you sleep. Here are the features to look for to get the best bed pillow for a side sleeper.

For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows

Side Sleeper Memory Foam Pillows

Pillows for sleep
A good pillow is just as important as a good bed for getting a good night’s sleep. Even though we rarely give a lot of thought to the pillows we use, buying the right pillow and positioning it correctly could be one of the most important parts of sleeping success. It is a very comforting feeling to have just the right pillow to rest an achy, tired body on. In addition to providing comfort, the right pillows can also give the necessary support for the neck and spine, alleviating or preventing many common forms of back and neck pain.

I have seen many back and neck problems aggravated, if not caused, by bad or worn-out pillows. If your pillow is six months old or more it could need replacing. Assuming normal use and wear and tear, a polyester pillow lasts for six months to two years, a down pillow five years and a feather pillow eight years. If, however, your pillow is clearly showing signs of wear, such as loss of shape and flatness, it is time to shop for a new pillow.

If you aren’t sure if its time to replace your pillow, test the support of down and feather pillows by laying the fluffed out pillow on a hard surface. Fold it in half or thirds and squeeze out the air. Release the pillow. If it unfolds and returns to its original position it has support; a broken pillow will stay as above. Place a weight of around 300g (10 ounces), such as a trainer, on the pillow. A pillow with support will unfold itself and throw off the shoe; a broken pillow will stay folded.

For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows

How to choose the right Pillow

The traditional pillow is the mattress top pillow, used to provide support for the head, neck and upper spine while the body is lying in bed in a resting position. When determining the number of pillows to use, bear in mind that too many tilt your head forwards and too few tilt your head backwards if you lie on your back. Similarly, if lying on your side, be sure the gap between your head and shoulders is filled by pillow. Find a position that enables you to maintain a midline position. For optimum support, it is best to select a pillow that has the following characteristics:

Designed to Keep the Spine in Natural Alignment -The human neck curves slightly forwards (to sustain the weight of the head when upright), and it’s important to maintain this curve when in a lying position. If the pillow is too high when sleeping on your side or on your back, the neck is bent abnormally forwards or to the side, causing muscle strain on the back of the neck and shoulders. This type of position may also cause narrowing of the air pipe, resulting in obstructed breathing, and sometimes snoring, which can hinder sleep. Conversely, if the height of the pillow is too low, the neck muscles can also be strained.

pillow for side sleeperThe amount and type of support you need from your pillow (whether it be one, one and a half or two pillows) depends on your sleep position as well as your weight and the density of your mattress, but always try to consider the depth of your shoulder in comparison to the distance from your head to the bed. You need to fill that large area with a pillow, thus providing an equal surface to position your head so that it is even with your spine. In short, the pillow should maintain an approximate height of 110-15cm (4-6 inches), to properly support the head and neck.

For correct sleeping posture, only your head and neck should be placed over your pillow. Do not place your shoulders on the pillow because this will elevate your upper body much higher than your lower body. You could try rolling up a hand towel and placing it in your pillow to fill the gap between your neck and shoulder. To maintain the balance of the entire body, the sleeper can place a pillow between bent knees to achieve the midline position when lying on their side.

For More Information Visit:- Pillows for side sleepers

How To Find The Best Pillow For Back

In this article you will find the SleepRight Side Sleeping pillow review, made by Splintek, covering the points below. Just a reminder, pillows for side sleepers differ from other pillows in their special design which aims to improve comfort for those people who enjoy sleeping on their side.

Best Design Pillow
Sleeping on your back: Your spine should support the natural curvature of your spine; there should also be adequate support under your head, neck and shoulders. Placing a pillow or two beneath the knees further alleviates any back strain, and is the gentlest position for the back. This position can help you drift off to sleep but bear in mind that during the night the pillows may move as you move, and if you wake up you will need to reposition them.

Sleeping on your side: When lying on your side, the pillow should support your head and neck so that your spine maintains the midline position. Weight should be evenly distributed so as not to create unnatural bending or pressure. Some people may like to place a small pillow or rolled-up towel under their waist for additional support while lying on their side, especially if they have an hourglass figure.

Sleeping on your stomach: When sleeping or resting on your stomach, your pillow should be relatively flat or removed. This will help keep your spine in line and enable you to sleep better. In this position, it is often best to place another relatively flat pillow under your stomach. They will help minimise the amount of strain on your lower back as well as the amount of twisting for your neck.

For More Information Visit:- Pillows for side sleepers

Friday 11 July 2014

Google Tumblr Transitioning From a Non-Side Sleeper to Sleeping On Your Side

The first thing to know is about forming habits. Everything that you do in your life is the result of you having formed a certain habit and then you just keep doing it day in and day out. But remember, when you first start doing something new it is always an either very difficult or very special experience because all those things are new to your body and your mind.

Side Sleepers Pillows

Both activities and pleasures reduce in intensity as you get used to it. Same with sleeping posture. It may be difficult to start changing from sleeping on back to side sleeping, but after about 40 days of doing something we develop a habit and then it becomes the thing that we do without thinking about it. So it is very much doable, but be realistic and do not give up half way.

Side Sleeping: Methods of Learning to Sleep On Your Side

First of all I believe just having the correct mindset is already half the job done. If you are completely convinced and tell yourself that for whatever reason it is you must now sleep on your side then your mind will resist you much less and it will be that much easier and faster to form the habit. That said, you can’t just lie down on your side and expect to remain in that position after you fall asleep and “lose consciousness”.

For More Information Visit:- Pillows for side sleepers

Side Sleeping: Home Cost Free Methods

The good old tennis ball method spoken often on many websites involves sewing a tennis ball either in the front or the back side of your cloths depending if you are a stomach or back sleeper. The idea here is very simple, i.e. to make it uncomfortable for you to lie down in all other positions except on the side.

Putting a large object in the center of your bed on which you can not lie on will create a block and make it difficult for you to lay on the back or stomach forcing you to lie down on your side or at least diagonally leaning on the object

Side Sleepers
Getting off the bed and sleeping on your sofa, which is usually less wide than the bed and this lack of space creates problems (dropping off the sofa) if you try to sleep on the back or stomach sides. After some time of sleeping on your side on the sofa you can transition to the bed.

You can also use multiple pillows to give yourself support to try to remain on the side, but usually pillows are not strong enough to be an obstacle and can be easily tossed away. Still, many of them, one that you hug, one between the legs and a back towards the wall might do the job.

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Side Sleeping - Stuff That You Can Buy

I think the most comfortable is what they call a total body pillow. You literally get into it and it prevents you do move at all and you are completely comfortable wrapped in a sort of a cocoon. The only negative part of this experience is that your partner will surely complain because cuddling is practically impossible when you are inside a total body pillow.

pillows for-side sleepersSide sleeping pillows are another good choice and there are many out there so it would make sense you read a bunch of side sleeping pillow reviews so that you can select the one that you think suits you the best in terms of soft or hard and height of support and various other features

Lastly there are some pillows among the side sleeper pillows which have an opening inside at the bottom part of the pillow and this is for people to be able to put their arm through the pillow and relieve the pressure from the arm. If you are finding it hard to sleep on your side because your arm or shoulder hurt this might solve it for you.

For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows

The positive points of this Anti Snoring Pillow

This pillow seems to have a love it or hate it relationship with people as the feedback is often very positive or very negative. We will start by covering the positive feedback first.

The first good thing is that it only takes a few days to get used to the pillow, which is actually not such a long time when compared to other devices (like anti snoring mouthpieces). Of course some people are more sensitive than others, so allow a few more days if you are quite sensitive with things.

SONA anti snoring pillow can make you avoid surgery or other devices. If you are not suffering from very serious problems the pillow’s adjustment of your breathing can solve your problem so you would not have to wear any devices or go have a surgery. This was actually the case of one person who wrote a very happy 5 star review of this pillow.

For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows

Friday 4 July 2014

Side Sleeper Shoulder Pain

If you tend to sleep on your side then you are what they call “a side sleeper” and chances are that you may have all kinds of issues with your shoulder. This could be something mild like discomfort and it could complicate over time into pain. 

Side Sleepers
Various injuries can be suffered by side sleepers having issues with shoulder for example to do with the rotator cuff. These injuries can even lead to sleep disorders like sleep deprivation or insomnia, because, over time, you might have problems falling asleep due to discomfort and pain or you might have negative consequences if you wake up with poor sleep and pain day after day.

For More Information Visit:- Pillows for side sleepers

There Are Many Types of Side Sleepers

Also, all side sleepers are not really the same. Some sleep while keeping their body straight, others curl up or put a pillow between the legs – that’s just concerning the length of the body. Then there is the positioning of the shoulder and the hand. Here some people put their hand above their head directly under the pillow so their entire body looks like one straight line, yet others curl the hand inside in the inner area and put all the weight of the head and shoulder on the pillow.

The third possibility also exists where people put their hand at a 90 degree angle and partly under the pillow.

For More Information Visit:- Pillows for side sleepers

Side Sleeper Shoulder Pain Consequences

Simply following the laws of nature / physics, depending on which position you sleep in described above you will have different amounts of pressure or force put on both your shoulder and your hand on which you sleep. 

The more pressure there is at uncomfortable angles for your body the quicker you will end up with a side sleeper shoulder pain and over time this pain or this experience will most likely turn into a chronic condition which will, like a small fire turning into a large disaster, start to negatively impact your health and development of sleep disorders and your quality of life.

Like any chain reaction this will also start affecting your relationships with friends and family and just get worse and worse from something so banal like a sleeping posture.

For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows

What Can Be Done About The Side Sleeper Shoulder And Hand Pain

The solution is very simple, but it may require quite some time to get it right. The root cause of the issue is the support given by the pillow. You see when you lie down in a horizontal way (including your head) immediately it is possible to see that there is distance between your head and the floor.

This distance needs to be supported by a pillow and it varies from person to person but is usually higher than the height of most people’s pillows. So it will take you time to look through various side sleeper pillows and find which is tall enough and tough enough to give the correct support.

You can start by looking at side sleeper pillow reviews and read descriptions, look at pictures and read people’s comments. Also keep in mind that for your hand, some pillows also offer a hollow channel so less pressure is put on the hand on which you sleep.

For More Information Visit:- Side Sleeper Pillows